1-hour sessions include:
Personalized workout (5-6 week program)
Nutrition and Sleep & Stress management coaching
A monthly email with Fitness, Nutrition, Sleep & Stress management habits
2-4x per week for best results
Program Snapshot
Movement Prep:
Foam Rolling/Triggerpoint to break up connective tissue and increase blood flow to muscles
Dynamic Movement:
active movements that take you through a full range of motion to prep for a workout
specific sets/reps/loads that will progress over time based on skill set

30min or 45min sessions include:
Baseline assessment and data collection of your current habits
Individualized nutrition plan based on your goals
1-2x per week for best results
Program Snapshot
Eating habits questionnaire
3-day food log
Break down your goals into skills
Build those skills through specific strategic daily practices
Track these practices
Discuss success rate and areas of opportunity

30min or 45min sessions include:
Baseline assessment and data collection of your current habits
Individualized revitalization plan based on your goals
1-2x per week for best results
Program Snapshot
Sleep log
Stress & Life Web questionnaire
Create practices
Track Practices
Discuss success rate and areas of opportunity